Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years

In the next year, 2010, I will read the chapters better. By rereading sections and taking notes. I also will study for longer periods of times and also with the aforementioned notes. I will do my best to answer the questions on the study guides more in depth so when a test rolls around I can use them more then i already do. Also with the study guides even when not assigned I will make sure that I can define all the terms at least in my head. Finally the night before a test I will go through the chapter again and attempt to set up a study group for that night so we can all help each other out.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Black Hawk EC pt 3

Both Black Hawk and Dodge think of themselves and their side as the winner and the other side as the loser. Though both sustained losses they also both gained something and they both pointed this out. In the articles again both make it seem like the other side lost and that the other side were the "bad" guys and that they were the "good" guys. Besides the outcome they both were in very close agreement of what actually happened tactical wise.

Back Hawk EC pt 2

In the article by Black Hawk himself, it gives you the impression that they are the saints here and that the white men are the ones who are in the wrong. Yet in the other article it makes it seems like they both had their faults. The two seem to back each other up especially when it comes to the point of Black Hawk’s men and women trying to escape rather then fight. The big difference is that with Black Hawks article is doesn’t offer the side of the white people except for saying how bad they were.

Black Hawk EC pt 1

General Atkinson and his men march twenty-five miles and then slowly approached their enemies. When they got there, they slowed down and reached the bank of the Mississippi. Then they marched for a while longer and came upon a small party of men and killed eight, and drove the rest back. The continued to drive the troops back until they met the full force. After a decisive battle the enemy attempted to retreat by swimming through the river, many died in their tries. They took many women and children prisoner and even killed some Indians.

Monday, October 19, 2009

"Founding Fathers Democratic or Not"

I believe strongly that the Founding Fathers were not democratic. I say his for many reasons but all of them boil down to one attribute most of them held, selfishness. The Founding Fathers all would have and did, benefit greatly from the creation of a strong central government. They benefited by being able to make it so they could keep slaves, many had government bonds, many were big loaners and that way they would profit greatly, and lastly they they also were some of the biggest land owners. Also I say they weren't democratic because thy let the four biggest social groups (slaves, indentured servants, women and men without property0 completely out of the conventions and they were the people who would be most affected.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

September 11, 2001

On September the eleventh of the two-thousand and first year I was sitting down for a math lesson in the third grade. Our principal at the time at Cathedral was Mr. Uhren came into the class and talked to our teacher. Right away she looked really worried. About ten minutes later he came back and talked with her again. Right after he left she got up and said to the class, "Class, there has been an attack on the United States. It happen at the Twin Towers in New York." The rest was blur me and I don't remember much. The reason: my uncle was in New York doing business at, The World Trade center. As soon as I got home I asked my mom, "Is he okay." She knew what I meant right away and for some lucky reason, my uncle had not go in that day. For the rest of the night all I can remember is sitting in front of the T.V. with my family, and I kept seeing the same two words on the screen constantly: Terrorist Attack.