Sunday, March 7, 2010

Diary Entries: Jaques Sassoon

16 April 1915

Jaques Sassoon


M.A.S.H. Unit somewhere in French territory



This morning I was shot in the back of the leg. It was a pain I cannot even describe. They say I will be back in action in two weeks or so. The doctor who operated on me is a real character. Everyone around here calls him by a name of a character in one of James Fennimore Cooper's novels, but for the life of me I cannot remember it. My nurse is sure a beauty her name is Margret but Mr. B.J. and his friend, my doc here, call her Hotlips. I much rather this to her real name she sure is a beauty.


I really hope they are wrong about getting me back out there. I hate this war and just wanna head home. I miss my parents and siblings. Well 'Hotlips' says it is time for bed.



23 April 1915

Jaques Sasson


M.A.S.H. Unit somewhere in French territory


Just this morning many of our men returned from the Second Battle of Ypres. All of them have gone crazy. If not form the gas used upon them it is from fear of it. This is the first time we have seen this tactic used upon anyone. It scares me to return to the battlefield. Just last week I was shot in the leg. They say I will be back there in a week or so. I don't see how this is possible I cannot even stand on my own yet.

I spoke with Gregory my fellow comrade he said that it was the most terrible thing he ever experienced. That was mere hours after he returned. Fewer hours than that he was bedridden with horrid blisters covering his body. His face was only contorted in pain and he was unable to speak. I have not seen him since then and feel as if I won't ever see him again. Well the ever beautiful 'Hotlips' says it is time for me to kip in, so I must put this away for now and hopefully tomorrow I will have time to write more.




26 May 1915

Jaques Sassoon


M.A.S.H. Unit somewhere in French territory



Today is my first day back. My leg ended up infected and so it took longer than expected to get back here, thank god. I almost forgot the horrid stench of walking in the bile, vomit, and feces of other men, almost. I cannot even sleep tonight. Instead of a nice pillow like the past month now I have a solid rock and instead of a nice pre-warmed blanket I have my blood stained and muddy uniform to shiver in.


The rations have decreased in size and quality since I was last on the front line. Besides that not much really changed. People die an all sides, we all use gas now. You're lucky to go to bed at night and wake up each morning. I have prayed more here than ever before in my life. I hope if I make it out that I make it out with my mind intact. I had better attempt sleep for the Germans do not wait for use to wake up to begin the attack.




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