Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reflection Essay

World War I, originally name The War to End War, was gruesome and bloody. Things like trench warfare and gas attacks were made popular in this war. Millions died, borders of countries changed, new countries formed, and the world as it was known was forever changed.

One thing that scared me was the use of gas. From phosgene to chlorine to mustard gas was widely used. And they all were nasty. Chlorine gas could cause you to slowly lose the ability to breathe and last as long three days as it mentions here from the text, "…remaining conscious to within five minutes of death…" Mustard gas basically ate you and your body alive as it said in the text, " began to rot the body…" One thing that just generally shocked me was how insane some of the men went. From the carnage and the acts they were forced to commit a many a times they lost their mind. "Men gradually lost control of themselves as the strain mounted."

The War to End War in all senses failed its namesake purpose. It did not end war in history in the end it only fueled more. It created enemies of many countries. It paved the long, arduous, and bloody path for what would be World War II and many other wars to follow.

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